Western Service Workers Association
Join as a member
Membership is open to anyone who is, has been, or in the future may be employed in service work or other types of low-paid work – domestic work, temporary work or work done as an independent contractor. WSWA members do childcare and care for the elderly and disabled, work in tourism and hospitality and food service, hotel and office maintenance, security, construction and landscaping. They are essential workers, the backbone of the economy, yet receive wages that don’t cover survival needs for a family. WSWA members include the elderly and those too disabled to work, living on inadequate fixed incomes.
Host house meetings in your neighborhood
WSWA canvassers convey the message that we must become a united group to become a force to be reckoned with. Interested members host membership house meetings in their homes or yards and invite newly signed members and other neighbors, family and friends to learn about WSWA and how to join with others to forge long-term solutions to problems we face collectively.
Build a self-help membership benefit program
Members are eligible to participate in a free-of-charge Benefit Program, designed by members for members. As a self-help organization, members participate in the building, functioning and oversight of the Benefit Program. The Benefit Program is designed to meet as many of the immediate survival needs of our members as possible so that members can organize to eliminate the cause of their problems – poverty – at the root. The expansion of the program is overseen by the membership leadership body, the San Diego Workers Benefit Council (WBC), that oversees membership activities.
Become a Delegate
As part of the WBC, members can take on the role as delegate to bring the concerns of other members working in the same industry, worksite or living in the same neighborhood to the WBC meetings. Delegates publicize organizational activities and benefits available to association members, as well as help run distributions of food, clothing and other supplies in their neighborhoods.
Build the San Diego Workers Benefit Council
The San Diego Workers Benefit Council (WBC) is a body of members who take on leadership roles in the organization. WBC decisions are made by consensus, including ratifying campaigns and demands. Members meet to coordinate the action WSWA will take toward problems and needs expressed by the Council members and how the Benefit Program will grow in the interests of working people in San Diego.